

What I'd like to see in Pokémon ^_^. Forgive me if any of this stuff has already appeared...


My ideal Pokemon videogame would:
- have the usual stuff, of course (catching monsters, training them, earning badges, becoming a Pokemon master, etc.)
- have a rival that you interact with more frequently, and not necessarily in a competitive way (like you work together and stuff)
- have a love interest/love triangle (the love interest could be the rival's girlfriend/boyfriend!). Yes, I'm weird. I don't like romantic movies or novels but I like romance in kiddy games and shows.
- let you catch or otherwise acquire ALL the Pokemon (so you wouldn't have to trade with friends or go to random Toys R' Us's and fork over money and time) - EXCEPT for one or two hat play a large and mysterious part in the story
- let you travel to all the places in previous Pokemon games
- feature the Mystery Gift thing again
- let you make a Secret Base AND decorate your room
- let you bid on things (it's a fun feature in Final Fantasy 6 and 9)
- have a Battle Tower/Arena, Final Fantasy 7-style (because getting your butt whooped like that can be fun)
- involve the legendary Pokemon a lot, like in Ruby and Sapphire (only even more than that)
- let you make awesome, nonsensical phrases a la Ruby and Sapphire
- bring back the night and day shifts and all their glory, a la Gold and Silver (I think D&P have this?)
- have making unique Pokeballs less of a pain
- have a sidequest where you can take pictures and show them to Professor Oak to earn things (because Pokemon Snap is addictive)
- have LOTS more eeveelutions

My ideal Pokemon episode(s) would be one(s) where:
- May and Drew, and Dawn and Kenny are shown to be official couples
- Paul pisses Ash off in front of Gary, and the two get into an argument (and battle?)
- May and Dawn face off against each other in a contest
- Team Rocket starts posing more of a threat again
- as much of the Japanese music is kept in as possible (non-vocal, English versions of Japanese vocal songs, etc.)
- better yet, the episodes are flat-out subtitled and left uncut!
- the cast actually grows up!
- there is waaaaaay more Gary and Palletshipping hints, obviously

My ideal Pokemon movie would be one where:
- Gary plays a large part, and his and Ash's pre-trainer relationship is finally revealed in full
- a bunch of Ash's old companions, aquaintances, rivals, etc. are reunited
- Team Rocket plays a large part - like Giovanni is (finally) getting really serious about acquiring Pokemon and taking over the world, or whatever he wanted to do in the first season
- the history of Team Rocket and its connections to other Team ___s are delved into (including stuff from the radio dramas!)
- legendary Pokemon also play a large part, as usual
- the animation is consistent, dammit! No more CGI that sticks out like a sore thumb!
- certain absent parents are revealed (Ash's dad, Gary's parents, Misty's parents, etc.)
- Ash and Gary get together at the end!
- Misty finds another guy that makes her happy
- as much of the Japanese music is kept in as possible (non-vocal, English versions of Japanese vocal songs, etc.)
- better yet, the movie is flat-out subtitled and left uncut!